双语灵修(葛培理牧师):3月15日 拣选生命












March 15


I have set before you life and deaththerefore choose life,that you and your descendants may live.Deuteronomy 30:19 RSV

Before the space shuttle program,American ships and helicopters used to recover astronauts who had returned to earth at sea.The tiny spacecraft would be located in the enormous ocean,and the astronauts would be lifted out of their capsule into the helicopter,which would then fly them to the safety of the ship.

I have often thought,as I watched these scenes on television,how like God this operation is.God hovers over the entire world,seeking to pluck from sin immortal souls who are in danger of“drowing”in hell.He tosses out a line to all those who are in trouble.Some grab on to God’s line and freely receive the gift of His Son,Jesus Christ.They are pulled to safety,and,eventually,taken to heaven.Others ignore the line,believing they can make it on their own.

Can you imagine an astronaut or anyone in trouble at sea refusing to be rescued?Yet vast numbers of people daily refuse the help of God.

Nations refuse this help as well.Though God has said,“Righteousness exalts a nations,but sin is reproach to any people,”nations and national leaders think they can survive without God’s help.We have“In God We Trust”on our money,but I wonder how often it is really in the money that we trust?

Our souls send out a distress signal to God.When God hovers over us dangling a saving lifeline,do we refuse His help,or do we grasp the line so that we can be saved?The choice is ours alone.There are eternal benefits that come from making the right choice.There are also eternal consequences for making the wrong choice.Which choices have you been making in your life?

Pray for the Day:

Father,I choose in my life to follow my Lord Jesus.I choose to obey.Fill me with Your Holy Spirit,in Jesus’Name,Amen.

