双语灵修(葛培理牧师):12月31日 着眼未来
December 31
For ever, O God, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89
As the Christian with the Bible in his hand surveys the world scene, he is aware that we do not worship an absentee God. He is aware that God is in the shadows of history and that He has a plan. The Christian is not to be disturbed by the chaos, violence, strife, bloodshed, and threat of war that fill the pages of our daily newspapers. We know that these things are the consequences of man’s sin and greed. If anything else were happening, we would doubt the Bible. Every day we see a thousand evidences of the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Every day as I read my newspaper I say,“The Bible is true.”
No matter how foreboding the future, the Christian knows the end of the story of history. We are heading toward a glorious climax. Every writer of the New Testament believes that“the best is yet to be.”
As John Baillie has said,“The Bible indicates that the future is in God’s hands. If it were in our hands, we would make a mess of it. The future is not in the devil’s hands, for then he would lead us to destruction. The future is not at the mercy of any historical determinism leading us blindly forward, for then life would be without meaning. But the future is in the hands of One who is preparing something better than eye hath seen, or ear heard, or has entered into the heart of man to conceive.”
The psalmist said,“The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”(Psalm 27:1).
Pray for the Day:
Father, give us courage as we move into the future. And let Your Kingdom come and Your glory reign forever; in Jesus’Name, Amen.