双语灵修(葛培理牧师):4月5日 神圣婚姻














April 5


Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother,and shall cleave unto his wife:and they shall be one flesh.Genesis 2:24

Tens of thousands of couples today are living together outside of marriage.The New York Times reports there are nine times as many such couples now as there were ten years ago.

There seems to be a growing rebellion against marriage throughout the world.Living together without marriage is not only accepted,explained away,filmed,and glamorized,but even some church leaders are diluting the scriptural guidelines and rules for marriage in an attempt to soften the problem.There is great pressure in our culture,too,to establish same-sex“marriages”as normal.

But God’s truth and God’s laws never change.This is not because God is some rigid tyrant,demanding total obedience from subjects weaker than He is.It is because He knows what is best for us and how we best function,physically and spiritually.After all,one who manufactures a product knows far more about it than anyone else.That is why a manual comes with most products that tell us how to assemble the item and how to keep it functioning properly.

God’s“manual”is the Bible.God says marriage is holy and sacred and is not to be entered into lightly.God also hates divorce because it is something that man has invented to undermine what God has joined together.

Can there be any question that the social diseases which now sweep our land as perhaps never before are an indication that man cannot flaunt the laws of God without paying some kind of penalty for his rebellion?

But put Christ first in your life and then first in your marriage and you will have a bond between yourself,your mate,and the Lord that no one can break.

Pray for the Day:

Father,let our marriages be strong.Let our love for one another come from Your Holy Spirit.Lead us in our lives.Give us lives of total obedience to you;in Jesus’Name,Amen.

