
双语灵修(葛培理牧师):8 月 31 日 主的安慰

8 月 31 日




哥林多后书 1:3-4






1975 年,神所重用的仆人保罗·利特尔在一场车祸中丧生。我立即问神:“为什么?”  保罗是神的一位年轻杰出的策划人和圣经教师,一位神学教授、大学基督徒团契的领袖,也曾是我们团队的成员。我相信他的妻子玛丽在痛苦中也一定问过“为什么?”然而,几个月后,当她来参加我们团队的退修会时,她以一种神奇的灵力,与我们团员的妻子们分享了她的得胜。与其说是我们安慰她,倒不如说是她安慰了我们。











August 31


Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.                      

2 Corinthians 1:3-4, RSV

A dear friend and trusted counselor once told me that sometimes the greatest test comes to us when we ask God the question, “Why?”

As Charles Hembree has pointed out, “In the full face of afflictions it is hard to see any sense to things that befall us, and we want to question the fairness of a faithful God. However, these moments can be the most meaningful of our lives.”

One of God’s great servants, Paul Little, was killed in an automobile accident in 1975. I immediately asked God, “Why?” Paul was one of God’s outstanding young strategists and Bible teachers. He was a theological professor, a leader of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, and a former member of our team. I am sure his wife, Marie, must have asked in the agony of her heart, “Why?” And yet, a few months later when she came to our team retreat, she manifested a marvelous spirit as she shared her victory with the wives of our team members. Instead of our comforting her, she was comforting us.

Alexander Nowell once said, “God does not comfort us that we may be comforted but that we may be comforters.” We are to pass along the comfort with which God has comforted us.

Look around you. There are countless opportunities to comfort others, not only in the loss of a loved one, but also in the daily distress that so often creeps into our lives.

When we are a comfort and encouragement to others, we are sometimes surprised at how it comes back to us many times over.

Pray for the Day:

Father, open my eyes to see the opportunities to bring Your comfort to my brothers and sisters in Christ, and also to the lost, to comfort them in their sorrows and to bring them the Good News of Jesus for their salvation; in Jesus’ Name, Amen


