
双语灵修(葛培理牧师):6月30日 生命之主
















June 30



For as the Father has life in himself,so he has granted the Son also to have life in himself,and has given him authority to execute judgment,because he is the Son of man.John 5:26-27,RSV


Why is Christianity so different from the religions of the world?It is because Christianity is not a religion.It is a relationship with a living God.Jesus,Son of God the Father and Second Person of the Trinity,is the central figure of our evangelistic message.


Today many voices are making other claims.The atheists say there is no God.Polytheism may allow that Jesus is one of many gods.When I first went to some Far Eastern countries,I had to learn that in giving the invitation to receive Christ I needed to make it clear to my listeners that they were turning away from all other gods and turning to the true and the living God as revealed in the Scriptures.We,as“ambassadors for Christ”(2 Corinthians 5:20),boldly echo the ringing conviction of the apostle Peter when he affirmed,“Thou art the Christ,the Son of the living God”(Matthew 16:16).The title“Christ”means“anointed one.”It is the term in the Greek language,for the ancient Hebrew word“Messiah”-the anointed one whom God would send to save His people.


Peter and his fellow Jews,the first believers of the early Christian Church,recognized Jesus Christ as the Messiah promised in the Old Testament.Their period of world history was one of discouragement and despair.The promised Messiah shone as a beacon in the darkness,and His light has never dimmed.“In him was life;and the life was the light of men…That was the true Light,which lighteth every man that cometh into the world”(John 1:4,9).


Pray for the Day:

Father,in Your Son we have life.I pray that You will make that life known.Shine Your light to the world for the salvation of souls,in Jesus’Name.

