双语灵修(葛培理牧师):8 月 27 日 末了仇敌

8 月 27 日




哥林多前书 15:26


圣经说死是一种离别。当保罗走近死荫幽谷时,他没有恐惧战兢;相反的,他带着胜利的喜悦宣告:“我离世的时候到了”(提摩太后书 4:6)。






当信徒站在已与主同在的亲人的坟墓前时,他的盼望也是如此。和保罗一样,他知道,“祂能保全我所交付祂的,直到那日”(提摩太后书 1:12)。他说“再见”,只等到黑夜消散, 破晓来临。





August 27


The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. 1 Corinthians 15:26

The Bible speaks of death as a departure. When Paul approached the valley of the shadow of death he did not shudder with fear; rather he announced with a note of triumph, “The time of my departure is at hand” (2 Timothy 4:6).

The word “departure” literally means to pull up anchor and to set sail. Everything which happens prior to death is a preparation for the journey. Death marks the beginning, not the end. It is a solemn, dramatic step in our journey to God.

Many times I have said farewell to my wife and children as it brings a tinge of sadness, but there is the high hope that we shall meet again. In the meantime the flame of love burns brightly in her heart and in mine.

So is the hope of the believing Christian as he stands at the grave of a loved one who is with the Lord. He knows, as did Paul, that “He is able to keep that which [he has] committed unto him against that day” (2 Timothy 1:12). He says “Goodbye,” but only until the day breaks and the shadows flee away.

Pray for the Day:

Father, in Jesus, You have conquered death. So You have given us hope, and in this we rejoice; in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

