双语灵修(葛培理牧师):5月11日 如何祷告










May 11


Ask,and it will be given you;seek,and you will find;knock,and it will be opened to you.For every one who asks receives,and he who seeks finds,and to him who knocks it will be opened.Matthew 7:7 RSV

Even a child can understand these instructions.Prayer is for God’s children.

Jesus said,“When ye pray,say,Our Father….”

There were children in our neighborhood for whom I provided all clothing,food,and the necessities of life.They asked freely of me,and their requests were usually granted.They were my children!By virtue of their relationship to me,I had a particular responsibility to them.

God has a particular responsibility to His children;and unless we have been born into the family of God through the new birth,we have no right to ask favors of God.The Bible says,“But as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God,even to them that believe on his name”(John 1:12).

I have had new Christians say to me,“I don’t know how to pray.I don’t have the right words”

When our children were just learning to talk and had difficulty finding the right words,they still managed to make themselves understood to my wife and me,and the mistakes they made only endeared them to us.In fact,I am sure I treasure their early attempts at conversation more than the words of most adults speaking without hesitation and without error.

Oh,my anxious friend whose prayers have not been answered,God invites you to the intimacy of spiritual sonship.“That ye may be blameless and harmless,the sons of God,without rebuke,in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation,among whom ye shine as lights in the world”(Philippians 2:15).

Pray for the Day:

Father,we ask for Your presence.We ask for Your Holy Spirit.We ask for your guidance.We ask for You to reveal Your love and mercy to us so that we will sense how much You care for us;in Jesus’Name,Amen.

