双语灵修(葛培理牧师):2月25日 信神得义



















February 25




For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous:but the way of the ungodly shall perish.Psalm 1:6


What does it mean to be righteous?


God is pleased with righteousness;indeed He commands us to be righteous(not self-righteous,which means we think more highly of ourselves than we ought to-there is a difference).


Righteousness has nothing to do with doing good works,though good works are a byproduct of being righteous.Jesus spoke of God as the only one who is truly good.The word“good”is a synonym for righteous,so it follows that to be righteous is to be like God.But how can anyone be like God,who is holy and perfect?


There are hundreds of references in Scripture to righteousness and the righteous.Perhaps the greatest insight into this word is found in Genesis 15:6 when Abraham believed the promise of God“and he counted it to him for righteousness.”


Righteousness,meaning to be right or just,begins with believing God.It sounds so simple,but how many times do we disbelieve God?God’s formulas are so simple that we ignore them because we think there must be more to it than that.


All sin is rooted in unbelief.All righteousness is rooted in belief.Believe God for all His promises and He will count in unto you as righteousness.Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.God’s ultimate standard and incarnation of righteousness,and be saved.Believe in Jesus Christ to deliver you in your day of trouble and learn what the righteousness of Christ can do in and through you.


Pray for the Day:

Father,through Jesus,You have cleansed me and made me righteous.Lead me to live my life in that way—to live out that righteousness.And lead me to others to bring that Good News to them as well;in Jesus’Name,Amen.

