双语灵修(葛培理牧师): 1月16日 家的安全




以弗所书 6:11 

你的家庭根基稳固固么?你的家安全么?还是充满 了紧张气氛,就要分崩离析?




先知尼希米说:“灰土尚多,扛抬的人力气已经衰败,所以我们不能建造城墙。” (尼希米记 4:10)如今这时代,灰土垃圾无处不在。我们看到电视上、电影里、杂志中,充斥着对家庭和神圣婚姻的玩笑、嘲弄。在一个全国性的电视节目中,一位知名女性被问到:是否相信婚姻和家庭。她说,当然相信,但是,有谁还愿意活在”围城”之中呢?这种对家庭和婚姻的嘲讽是一种普遍现象,特别存在于那些离婚或未婚同居的人中。



January 16


Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Ephesians 6:11

Is your home built on a solid foundation? Is your home secure? Or is it filled with tension? Is it about ready to break up?

The family is the most important institution in the world. It was God’s idea in the first place. It was not the idea of sociologists who thought it might be a good way to deliver the mail!

Families existed before cities and governments, before written language, nations, temples, churches.

In the home, character and attitudes are formed; integrity is born; values by which we live are made clear; and goals are set.

These last a lifetime.

 Many people today are wringing their hands with fear and insecurity because far more than what they see happening on Wall Street or in Washington, D.D., is happening to our families and our homes.

The propher Nehemiah said, “There is much rubbish; so that we are not able to build the wall” (Nehemiah 4:10).

We see rubbish everywhere-rubbish on television and in films and magazines making fun of the home, making fun of marriage, one of the holiest of all institutions. (A well-known woman was asked on a national television program whether she believed in the institution of marriage. “Sure,” she said, “but who wants to live in an institution?” This is typical of the ridicule now being heaped on the home and on marriage, particularly by those who are divorced or live together without being married.)

Today, Satan is attacking the family as never before. But what are our defenses against such attacks?

As always, our best defense is the Word of God, referred to by the apostle Paul as the “sword of truth.” Put on the whole armor of God. Read the Bible together as a family. Have family devotions. Pray for one another daily by name. And most importantly, commit your marriage to Christ and make Him the center of your home.

Pray for the day:

Father, You our Father in heaven, and I pray that our families will be patterned after that—that we will be fathers and mothers and brothers and sisters and children who are full of love for You and who live our lives with the love that You have for us as our Father. We pray this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.



