双语灵修(葛培理牧师):4月26日 吞灭死亡












April 26


So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption,and this mortal shall have put on immortality,then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written,Death is swallowed up in victory.1 Corinthians 15:54

Death is not natural,for man was created to live and not to die.It is the result of God’s judgment because of man’s sin and rebellion.Without God’s grace through Christ,it is a gruesome spectacle.I have stood at the bedside of people dying without Christ;it was a terrible experience.I have stood at the bedside of those who were dying in Christ;it was a glorious experience.Charles Spurgeon said of the glory that amends the death of the redeemed,“If I may die as I have seen some die,I court the grand occasion.I would not wish to escape death by some by-road if I may sing as they sang.If I may have such hosannas and alleluias beaming in my eyes as I have seen as well as heard from them,it were a blessed thing to die.”

Death is robbed of much of its terror for the true believer,but we still need God’s protection as we take that last journey.At the moment of death the spirit departs from the body and moves through the atmosphere.But the Scripture teaches us that the devil lurks then.He is“the prince of the power of the air”(Ephesians 2:2).If the eyes of our understanding were opened,we would probably see the air filled with demons,the enemies of Christ.If Satan could hinder the angel of Daniel 10 for three weeks on his mission to earth,we can imagine the opposition a Christian may encounter at death.

But Christ on Calvary cleared a road through Satan’s kingdom.When Christ came to earth,He had to pass through the devil’s territory and open up a beachhead here.That is one reason He was accompanied by a host of angels when He came(Luke 2:8-14).And this is why holy angels will accompany Him when He comes again(Matthew 16:27).Till then,the moment of death is Satan’s final opportunity to attack the true believer;but God has sent His angels to guard us at that time.How thankful we should be for that promise.

Pray for the Day:

Father in heaven,Jesus has conquered death through His death on the cross,and so we have life.And we give thanks to You for offering that life to us who believe in the Gospel.Eternal life is in You;in Jesus’Name,Amen.

