双语灵修(葛培理牧师):6月24日 从我开始
















June 24



The woman said to him,“Sir,give me this water,so that I may not thirst,nor come here to draw.”John 4:15,RSV

This woman who startled a city who set the people marching out to meet Christ,was a transformed and changed woman.The power of Christ had changed her,and in that very transformation two things were involved:

First,she had repented of her sin.The only thing that may be keeping revival from your life,from your church,from your home,from your community,may be unrepented sin.God can only use cleansed vessels.

The second thing in the preparation of the instrument was prayer.She said,“Give me,”and what an intensity of desire must have gone into that prayer!Thus,she repented of her sin,she believed that Christ was the Messiah,and she began to pray.This simple woman was used to transform an entire city.

After the experience of this day,the Scripture says that Jesus went with them.Revival is not more and not less than the presence of Christ in the heart,the home,the community,and the nation.It is the practical application of this fact that we so desperately need to work out in our lifetime.

The cry of the Old Testament prophet was“…that the mountains might flow down at thy presence”(Isaiah 64:1).Nothing less than this will do.The psalmist cried,“Wilt thou not revive us again:that thy people may rejoice in thee?”(Psalm 85:6).

Our greatest need at this moment of confusion and revolution is a moral and spiritual awakening.However,this moral and spiritual awakening is not coming until the people of God repent of their sins,and believe with all their hearts,and begin to pray.

That revival must begin with individuals.In the words of an old hymn,“Lord,send a revival,and let it begin with me.”


Pray for the Day:

Father,send a revival,and let it begin with me.Fill us with Your Holy Spirit,in Jesus’Name.

