双语灵修(葛培理牧师):6月25日 奇异恩典













历史上很多被神使用的人,都曾经是罪大恶极的人,似乎不可救药的。约翰·牛顿(John Newton)是诗歌《奇异恩典》的作者。他曾经是非洲的黑奴贩子,也是有史以来最坏的人之一。谁能相信,他有一天会成为圣公会的牧师、成为史上最伟大的赞美诗作者之一。






June 25



Jesus said to her,“You are right in saying,‘I have no husband’;for you have had five husbands,and he whom you now have is not your husband;this you said truly.”John 4:17-18,RSV

In affluent America thousands of us Christians have become too comfortable.We are too much at ease in this world.We have ceased to challenge the world in which we move;and if God wanted to do a great work in our time,we would probably be bypassed.

In John 4:9 we read,“…The Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.”The disciples might have thought that the Samaritans were totally outside the kingdom of God.Perhaps they thought these“outsiders”were unreachable and untouchable by the Message.

How many Christians have given up trying to win their neighbors,their business associates,or their school friends to Jesus Christ”They think they are totally uninterested.

Perhaps that friend or neighbor is watching you very carefully to determine whether you back up your belief with your life.

Some of us have already made up our minds that God has no intention of reaching this person and that-they are too hard;they are not interested;they are so materially minded;they are so filled with sin,lust,and pride that they are unreachable.

Thus,when the woman of Sychar who had had six“husbands”was converted to Christ,the disciples were not used.

Many people in history who have been used of God were great sinners and seemed unreachable.John Newton,who wrote the hymn“Amazing Grace,”was a slave dealer in Africa and one of the worst sinners who ever lived.Who could ever have believed that he would one day be a clergyman in the Anglican Church and become one of the greatest hymn writers of all time!

Even Paul the apostle was Saul the persecutor.Many times God takes the absolutely impossible person and transforms him by His own grace and mercy and providence to become a mighty servant of God.Don’t give up on anyone.There is no person beyond the grace of God.


Pray for the Day:

Father,I can think of many people whom I know who need You.I pray,Lord,that You will give me the wisdom and the boldness to persevere in sharing the Good News with them,not to give up;in Jesus’Name.


