双语灵修(葛培理牧师) :1月28日 认罪悔改







卡尔·门宁格(Karl Menninger)博士注意到我们当代文化已经不谈罪,就写了一本书《罪的去向如何》。要知道,上帝不会忘记罪,即使人假装罪不存在。上帝憎恨罪,因为罪若不被赦免,就会让人进地狱。上帝不愿意一人灭亡,乃愿人人都认罪悔改回到他的身边。





January 28
God commendeth his love toward us,in that,which we were yet sinners,Christ died for us.Romans 5:8
There is a tendency to focus only on the love of God to the exclusion of the other side of God’s nature.Indeed,it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Lord.
God loves,but He also hates.In fact,love would be sentimental were it not for its opposite,hate.We are told in the Scriptures that God hates divorce,that He hates liars,a proud and haughty look,and all other manifestations of sin.God has promised to judge sin with the fierceness of His wrath(see Proverbs 6:16-19).
David said,“I acknowledged my sin unto thee,and mine iniquity have I not hid.I said,I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord;and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin”(Psalm 32:5).It is easy to see from this verse that God does not take sin lightly.
We live in an age when sin is winked at and where God is treated as one who is indulgent,soft-hearted and understanding,and tolerant of those who break His commandments.People today find it difficult to believe that God hates anything,much less sin.
Dr.Karl Menninger correctly observed the absence of a concept of sin in our contemporary culture when he wrote the book Whatever Became of Sin?I will tell you that God has not forgotten about sin,though some men may be pretending it does not exist.
The reason God hates sin is that it is sin which,left unforgiven,sends men and women out into a timeless eternity in hell.God is not willing that any should perish,but that all might come to a knowledge of Him.
What are you doing about sin?Have you confessed your sin to God and received Christ as your Savior?If you are already a Christian,have you let sin creep back into your life so that you are no longer a vessel of honor to God?
Confess your sin today.Don’t wait.Receive God’s forgiveness and restoration so that you might be of use to Him and enjoy His love.
Pray for the day:
Father,forgive us our sins,which are many.Bring us into Your glory,which is wonderful.Fill us with Your Spirit,to lead us and keep us far from sin all the rest of our lives,in Jesus’Name,Amen.

