双语灵修(葛培理牧师):2月6日 生命泉源

2月6日 生命泉源

因为,在你那里有生命的源头; 在你的光中,我们必得见光。”【诗篇 36:9】



然而,在我们内心深处一直有一个声音在提醒我们:我们不该如此,我们本该有更好的追求。我们有一种神秘的感觉,似乎有一个源泉,蕴藏着幸福,使我们的生命更有价值。我们会相信,某一天某一时在某个地方我们能找到它。有时候我们以为自己找到了,却发现那只不过是难以捉摸, 充满幻灭,令人迷茫、使人黯然神伤的东西。







February 6


For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light. Psalm 36:9

The more knowledge we acquire, the less wisdom we seem to have. The more economic security we gain, the more boredom we generate. The more worldly pleasure we enjoy, the less satisfied and contented we are with life. We are like a restless sea, finding a little peace here and a little pleasure there, but nothing permanent and satisfying. So the search continues! Men will kill, lie, cheat, steal, and go to war to satisfy their quest for power, pleasure, and wealth, thinking thereby to gain for themselves and their particular group peace, security, contentment, and happiness.

Yet inside us a little voice keeps saying, “We were not meant to be this way-we were meant for better things.” We have a mysterious feeling that there is a fountain somewhere that contains the happiness which makes life worthwhile. We keep saying to ourselves that somewhere, sometime we will stumble onto the secret. Sometimes we feel that we have obtained it-only to find it elusive, leaving us disillusioned, bewildered, and unhappy.

The happiness which brings enduring worth to life is not the superficial happiness that is dependent on circumstances. It is the happiness and contentment that fills the soul even in the midst of the most distressing of circumstances and the most adverse environment.

Near my home is a spring that never varies its flow at any season of the year. Floods may rage nearby, but it will not increase its flow. A long summer’s drought may come but it will not decrease. It is perennially and always the same. Such is the type of happiness for which we yearn-and it can be found in Christ alone!

Have you discovered this spring yet?

Pray for the Day:

Father, You are the fountain of life.  We look to You for our salvation and our hope, and You bring us joy; in Jesus’ Name, Amen.


