
双语灵修(葛培理牧师):3月24日 圣哉圣哉













March 24


Holy,holy,holy,is the Lord of hosts:the whole earth is full of his glory.Isaiah 6:3

The Bible teaches that God is holy,without fault,perfect,and complete.From Genesis to Revelation,God reveals Himself as a holy God.He is so holy that He cannot endure sin,cannot even look upon it.

It was God’s holiness that caused Him to turn His back when the Lord Jesus Christ took upon Himself the sin of the entire world at Calvary.It was the only time in the eternal unity of the Trinity that God the Father and God the Son had a rupture in their relationship.

Christ cried out on the cross,“My God,my God,why hast Thou forsaken me?”What a terribly frightening and horrible moment that was as the blackness of man’s sin caused the Father to turn away in disgust.Yet what a glorious moment it was as Christ took upon His holy and sinless self all of the penalty that should be ours because of our sinfulness.

And now,God commands us to be holy as He is.But how can we be holy?When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior,He comes into our hearts and lives,cleanses us from sin,and makes a home in us.At that moment we begin to grow into the likeness of Christ(theologians call the process“sanctification”),and we continue to grow until that moment when we go to be with Christ and receive our glorified bodies.

How thankful we should be that it was Christ who made all of this possible!

Pray for the Day:

Father,You are holy,and You are the Lord of Hosts.And the whole earth is full of Your glory.Glorify You Name in all the earth,for You are worthy of praise forever and ever;in Jesus’Name,Amen.

