双语灵修(葛培理牧师):6月16日 新清教徒

June 16
No servant can serve two masters:for either he will hate the one,and love the other;or else he will hold to the one,and despise the other.Ye cannot serve God and mammon.Luke 16:13
Band-Aid remedies are not enough.Only a remedy that goes to the very depths,to touch the sin that has poisoned all facets of life,can meet our needs.Unless we take moral and spiritual action,and do it quickly,we could find ourselves in a totalitarian state with all freedom suppressed in a relatively short time.
The Bible teaches we cannot serve God-the true God-and another god called materialism.But we can serve God with material things if our heart is right toward God.Individually I suggest that we’re going to have to adopt lifestyles that are more consistent with the faith that we profess.We must adapt our way of living so as to gain the respect of our children and our children’s children,even if it means sacrifice on our part.
Let’s admit it.Our generation-yours and mine-we’ve lived too gaudily and too ostentatiously while millions live on the verge of starvation.And our children are seeing the inconsistency of it all.And they are asking us questions that are hard for you and me to answer.My own children are,at least.
Yes,I’m advocating today what could be called the new Puritanism,both morally and materially.Our lives must be consistent with the slogan on our coins,“In God We Trust.”And I recognize that this can happen only when we have personally committed our lives to God.There’s little point in talking about corporate or national dealing with the problem,if we don’t come to grips with it individually ourselves.
There is nothing wrong with having things.God often blessed with great wealth those who place Him first.He knew He could trust them with it and that they would never worship things ahead of Him.
Too often however,things become our focus of worship,and we desire to serve things rather than God.It is at that point that material goods become our masters,our idols,rather than our servants.
You must choose,even this day,whom you will serve.Will it be God or money?
Pray for the Day:
Father,I choose You.Help me root out any source of greed in my own life;in Jesus’Name.

