双语灵修(葛培理牧师):2月23日 复兴灵命












February 23


Oh Lord…revive thy work in the midst of the years.Habakkuk 3:2

Have you ever seen someone unconscious?Such a person will usually have vital signs but is not aware of anything that is occurring.There is also a lack of any perception of reality.

There is a difference between revival and resuscitation.Resuscitation is used on a person who is dead and whom the doctors are trying to bring back to life.Revival is for a person who is alive but unconscious.Spiritually,we can be unconscious and completely out of touch with the Spirit of God.We may be unaware of the God who made us and what He wants to do in and through us.

When one comes to Christ in faith and is born again,he or she is brought back from the dead into life.But when revival occurs,a person who is already a Christian is brought back from the brink of apathy,of taking God for granted,of ignoring God and trying to live under one’s own power and strength.This can be deadly for others,because the Christian in need of revival is not producing any fruit for God.“I’ve got mine and that’s all that matters”is not an attitude that is pleasing to God.

We have not seen a revival in America since shortly after the turn of the twentieth century.But,as the hymn says,“Lord,send a revival and let it begin with me.”If we are to see a revival in our nation,it must begin in the hearts of individual believers.What are you doing in your daily walk with God that will bring revival to your life?

Pray for the Day:

Father,bring revival to our churches.Lead us to be concerned about the things of Your Kingdom,about our neighbors’salvation,about our families’salvation.Father,put in our hearts the same desires and passions that You have.Revive us,O God,in Jesus’Name,Amen.

