双语灵修(葛培理牧师) :1月15日 偏见与否
















January 15


Know ye not that ye are the temple of God,and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?1 Corinthians 3:16

Prejudice is a word that so often is used in connection with the race of a person.In this sense,prejudice is always wrong because it judges a person’s value by the color of his skin and God has no favorites.

But there is another sense in which the root of the word prejudice is a good thing.To prejudge something is sometimes necessary.

While it is not good to pre-judge a person by appearance,social status,or the lack of education,we can and should prejudge some“entertainment”establishments by what they advertise on the outside and know not to go in.

We can pre-judge drugs,which have become such a terrible problem in our culture.By seeing what drugs have done to others,we can avoid them.Besides,we know that the body is God’s temple,and we ought not to cause it to become dirty by doing things to it,like taking drugs,which can cause harm to it.

So,let us avoid prejudice when it comes to a person’s race or ethnic background or circumstances over which he or she has no control.But let us correctly prejudge those persons and places God has warned us about avoiding in His Word so that we do not get into trouble.

Pray for the day:

Father,give us wisdom.Keep us on the right path and away from things that will lead us astray;in Jesus’Name,Amen.


