双语灵修(葛培理牧师) :1月27日 赦免得福






有一个年轻人加入英国军队,结果在战场上临阵脱逃。后来,他成了一位伟大的天文学家,还发现了一颗行星—天王星。国王乔治因此要接见他。但是他知道自己曾经叛逃,会因此而被治罪,国王当然也知道。那该怎么办呢?这时候,国王叫人送了一封信给他。他打开一看:原来是皇室的赦免令。国王见到他时,跟他说,你现在不用担心了,来跟我一起住在温斯顿城堡吧。这个年轻人就是威廉·赫歇尔爵士(William Herschel)。




布道王子司布真(Charles Haddon Spurgeon)在谈到这节经文时说,不说谎、不犯错的上帝-告诉我们什么是祝福:“得赦免其过、遮盖其罪的,这人是有福的!”这是无可争议的旨意。罪得赦免,胜过万贯家财。激情和欲望的满足都是虚幻的影子。上帝对顺服他的义人的祝福是实实在在的。






January 27


Blessed is he whose transgression forgiven,whose sin is covered.Psalm 32:1

In England a sensitive boy joined the British army,but when the shot and shell began to fly,he deserted.In time he became a great astronomer and discovered a new planet.He was sent for by King George,but the man realized that his life was forfeit to the king for his desertion.The king knew him too;what would he do?Before the king would see him,the man was requested to open an envelope.It was his royal pardon.The king brought him in and said,“Now we can talk,and you shall come up and live at Windson Castle.”He was Sir William Herschel.

William Herschel was guilty and did not deny it!But King George had mercy upon him and made him a member of the royal household.That is what God promises to do for us.“And he will have mercy upon him…for he will abundantly pardon.“To all of us poor,lost,wanton sinners the Bible says,“For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world;but that the world through him might be saved.”

The“Prince of Preachers,”Charles Haddon Spurgeon,says of this verse:

God,who cannot lie-God,who cannot err-tells us what it is to be blessed.Here He declares that“Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven,whose sin is covered.“This is an oracle not to be disputed.Forgiven sin is better than accumulated wealth.The remission of sin is infinitely to be preferred before all the glitter and the glare of this world’s prosperity.The gratification of creature passions and earthly desires is illusive-a shadow and a fiction;but the blessedness of the justified,the blessedness of the man to whom God imputeth righteousness is substantial and true.

In Psalm 32:2 David sums it up for me when he says,“Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does not count against him and whose spirit is no deceit”(NIV).I’m sure Sir William Herschel would say Amen!To that.

Pray for the day:

Lord,we,too,are guilty.We do not deny it.We come to you and ask for forgiveness,and we know that through the blood of Jesus we are saved.Thank You,thank You,thank You;in Jesus’Name,Amen.

