双语灵修(葛培理牧师):2月12日 随时帮助
爱尔兰青年约瑟夫·史克来芬【Joseph Scriven(1820-1886)】深深爱上了一位年轻女子,正在筹备结婚。但是,就在婚礼前不久,他的未婚妻溺水身亡。几个月来,史克来芬都沉浸在极度悲痛和绝望中。最后,他转向了基督。靠着主的恩典,他得到平安和安慰。根据自己的经历,他写下那首大家熟悉的赞美诗歌《恩友歌》,安慰了无数痛苦的心灵:“何等恩友慈仁救主,負我罪愆担我忧。”
我们的人生有时候艳阳高照,如同史克来芬(Joseph Scriven)期待他的婚礼。然而,我们也会跟他一样,经历痛失、破灭和悲伤的黑暗。这时候,我们要尽力将痛苦变为紧紧抓住上帝的机会,使我们的灵里得到更加坚定和光明的盼望。
February 12
God is our refuge and strength,an ever present help in trouble.Psalm 46:1 NIV
God is“an ever present help in trouble,”but we sometimes allow bitterness to keep Him at a distance and thus we miss His help.
A young Irish immigrant,Joseph Scriven(1820-1886),was deeply in love with a young woman,and their marriage plans had been made.Not long before their wedding day,however,she was drowned.For months Scriven was bitter,in utter despair.At last he turned to Christ,and through His grace,he found peace and comfort.Out of this experience he wrote the familiar hymn which has brought consolation to millions of aching hearts:“What a friend we have in Jesus,All our sins and griefs to bear!”
Sometimes our way lies in the sunlight.It was so for Joseph Scriven as he approached his wedding day.But like him,we may find that our path also leads through the dark shadows of loss,disappointments,and sorrow.At times like this it is within our power to turn our sufferings into occasions for a firmer grasp of God,and make them channels through which a surer and brighter hope may flow into our souls.
Business losses,pensions that don’t pay the bills,loss of work,inflation,the sickness that lays us low,the sorrows that rob our homes of their light,children who rebel-all turned into blessings for those who by them become less attached to the earth and more attached to God.
Trouble will not hurt us unless it does what many of us too often allow it to do-harden us,making us sour,bitter,and skeptical.The trouble we bear trustfully brings to us a fresh vision of God,and,as a result,we discover a new outlook on life.
If we make our sorrow and trouble an occasion for learning more of God’s love and of His power to aid and bless,then it will teach us to have a firmer confidence in His providence,and as a result of this,the brightness of His love will fill our lives.
Trust with a childlike dependence on God,and no trouble can destroy you.Even in that last dark hour of death,when your flesh and your heart fail,you will be able to depend in peace upon Him who“is the strength of my heart and my portion forever”(Psalm 73:26 NIV)
Pray for the Day:
Father,You are my refuge.Whenever I have need,I look to You.I love You,Lord;in Jesus’Name,Amen.