双语灵修(葛培理牧师):2月9日 有效祷告

2月9日  身心健康

但义人得救是由于耶和华; 他在患难时作他们的营寨。”【诗篇 37:39】






天父,谢谢你给我力量。 我仰望你,祈求你医治我的疾病,赐我力量事奉你; 奉耶稣的名,阿门。


February 9


The salvation of the righteous is of the Lord: he is their strength in the time of trouble. Psalm 37:39

Whatever the circumstances, whatever the call, whatever the duty, whatever the price, whatever the sacrifice-His strength will be your strength in your hour of need.

There are physical benefits that come from Christian living. Sin and the sense of inner unworthiness impair physical and mental well-being. The sense of physical impurity and physical immorality, the sense of hatred directed toward our fellow men, the awareness of our own inadequacy and frustration and our inability to achieve the goals to which we aspire-these are the real reasons for physical and mental illness. The sense of guilt and sin that natural man carries within himself renders him unfit for the performance of his duties, renders him sick in both mind and body. It was no accident that Jesus combined healing with His preaching and teaching when He was on earth. There is a very real relationship between the life of the spirit and the health of the body and mind.

Peace with God and the peace of God in a man’s heart and the joy of fellowship with Christ have in themselves a beneficial effect upon the body and mind and will lead to the development and preservation of physical and mental power. Thus, Christ promotes the best interest of the body and mind as well as of the spirit, in addition to inward peace, the development of spiritual life, the joy and fellowship with Christ, and the new strength that comes with being born again.

Pray for the Day:

Father, thank You that You give me strength.  I look to You, and I pray that You will heal my ailments and give me strength to serve You; in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

